poniedziałek, 31 października 2011

Ups and downs

Eating sheep heads with the crazy priest

Me and my cherie Sarah

Life - ain't easy especially when you r still at the beginning of the process called adjusting to living abroad. Btw Bjork's concert was impressing, amayzing, awesome, epic, great, wonderful etc etc. Well she is a creator, and she is a living legend at least for me. Every time I listen to "Joga" , I feel enthraled and brought into another reality to the world of pure ,sheer and intangible emotions that are filling my blood with molecular energy. Sounds crazy.Doesn't it ? Not crazier than the priest I've met. Have u ever met a priest (ok he is not a catholic priest but still)who, dances incessantly for 3 hours without any breaks?Without being sloshed, mind you. I bet ..not! I'm down in the dupms today I'm not satisfied with how things are going on around me. I would like to feel more useful and needed at work, because when you are not doing anything that enriches you whatsoever, you lose all of your energy. Laziness is like a vampire who sucks all of the blood out of your body. That's how I'm feeling as if I were burning out a bit. Nevethless I'm not going to give up so easily now I'm not only a Pole who drink vodka straight fromn the bottle but also a viking who rock the dance floor.

Peaceful sunday
On Sunday me and my new flatmate Dana from Moldova, visited Fred (half icelandic, half american musican and painter). He showed us what he has been working on for his whole life not only drawings but also music. The music he composes resembles trance and ambient style. He was also impressed by my English. Nowithstanding that I heard it, I still feel like having a large hurdle in my head that prevents me from beliving in my skills. Anyway it was flattering to hear I'm having a really good accent when speaking English. My Sunnudag was crowned by listening to SUNNUJAZZ band in FAKTORY and after two weeks of fruitless requesting they finally played my favorite song FLY ME TO THE MOON. TAKK FYRIR GUYS :) CONCULSION- patience is an universal key, that opens every door.

poniedziałek, 24 października 2011

its such a perfect day ....not

Does our happiness depend only upon ourselves? Yeah I think so but still you are able to make people feel either sad or glad. I have that feeling I upset some people by asking them questions I invited for the happy group meeting today. So neither me nor them came outside the room rad or chuffed.summarizing : My debut as a 'psychologist' didn't go well I'm psychologicaly impaired as I graduated from political science and to be honest have u ever met a politican that made you happy? Not really. Do u remember last time I was writing that I'm a bit pampered by people ? it was a hasty judgment since I heard - Your English is not good. Anyways I think crying is good sometimes its better to get rid of bad feelings than to bottle them up inside you otherwise they can fester under the surface and come out doubled.

sobota, 22 października 2011

Everywhere is cow, cow in the east, cow in the west, cow up north, cow down south

People have different hobbies, but it's good to have a passion though. When I went to the countryside I visited a family that collects cows. You can hardly find a place that is not filled with cow gadgets in their cottage. They posses a really huge collection that consist of for instance a flying cow, singing cow, eiffel tower cow, dancing cow and so on. I though people cherish cows that much only in India, but I was proved wrong. The real temple of those black and white patched animals is in ICELAND, but apparently they don't have a real cow , just artificial ones. Plates, mugs ,earing, pajamas everywhere is COW...Also the cows are multi-kulti. There were some that come from Honduras, Germany, France, China, New Zealand and England. One can become too cowish from this excess of muuuuuuuu.

piątek, 21 października 2011

Do swidania

What I love in Iceland the most is that you can meet people from all over the world without even moving your feet out of the house :) This is very haraszo :D Although Polish- Belarusian relations are not good at the moment and we're rather a bit at a dagger drawn with them (Ok maybe I'm going ott right now) it's only about policy and politicians (that seriously make me wanna throw up), not about 'normal' people. Spasiba Belarusian people for your sheer kindness and invitation to Minsk :) Hope to see you soon there.

czwartek, 20 października 2011

Prince Polo najlepsze bo polskie :)

I had never liked price polo so I was really suprised that it is so popular over here. But ha what is ironic now I cannot imagine my life without this tidbit as it reminds me of home , when I miss it ;)

I'm an alien I'm a legal alien - I'm a Polish girl in Iceland

I think that they re spoiling me at work. Almost everyday I'm flooded with compliments such as 'Þú ert falleg' or ' þu ert krút' etc. Feels like family sometimes. What about living in a place that you work at? Hmm I must admit it's hard to distinguish when the work starts and when it ends plus it's easy to feel homesick especially at night. To be honest I had never considered myself as a patriot, but when I arrived here i started to appreciate my country more than I could ever imagine that I would. I'm proud to be Polish. No matter what they say about my country I really have reasons to swell with pride ;p Are Polish people discriminated in Iceland? Well where you stand depends on where you sit. Icelandic and Polish people have been co-existing here in Iceland for many many years but the fact is neither Poles nor Icelanders know much about each other's cultures, what is kind of sad. Who is to be blamed for then?Both sides I guess. The funny thing is that we're not cognizant of how much we do have in common.O yes we drink a lot, are both not easy going for the fist time, but well later in time it always turns out we are a great material for friends. Just to be clear in my mind every sign of discrimination, hatred or envy is a result of either ignorance or indifference. If you hate or dislike somebody the real target of your detestation is nobody else but you yourself. Keep it in mind.

środa, 19 października 2011

100 + 1 reykjavik

About month and a half ago........or should I begin with 'Once upon a time' ? Hell no it's not a fairy tale although just as someone already said I've been living here in such a big old house upstairs like a princess waiting for prince charming to show up. But apparently he fell off a horse. Horse ,yes the horse had a miserable lot as well since I ate him once for lunch not knowing it was that poor creature though. Ok but let's not stray off topic. A month and a half ago... I stamp my feet hard againts the ground as in it would make me feel more stabile. Unfortunately I did not expect such a harsh wind, that with a blink of an eye is able to sweep you off the surface, to be an obstacle in getting what I want. Iceland. What I felt whilst being on a plane? Fear? Excitement? or maybe just nothing. Yeah I think that my mind must have gone completely and utterly blank - tabula rasa. Nevertheless I still remember my first morning in Reykjavik, my first tea sip and a glimpse at the Parlament. Everything from scratch, new life. Just a 22 kg luggage, laptop and reflex camera - things that are indispensable for life. Insecurity?Unbearably overwhelming. Shitty English no Icelandic- Eg skil ekki. Now I'm working on keeping the balance up. Will this severe and intense wind blow me off of the ground? hmm not really I'm becoming more and more viking though.