That awkward moment when you don't know with what to begin writing your post...So I finally went for a trip to Hveragardi... We set off around 11 o clock, sun was shining ,the weather was quite nice. Suddenly we realised that actually we were going the wrong direction and instead of being in Hveragardi in 40 minutes we ended up somewhere near Selfoss, with almost finished petrol and I was worrying sick since I had to be back in Reykjavik around 6. Anyway despite of some inconvenience we arrived in Hveragardi *eventually* and started hiking to the hot spring. It was such a muddy way and it turned out that the water wasn;t that hot. The stream was either scrochingly hot in some areas or freezingly cold. Nothing in-between. On our way back I started jumping over the mud puddles and suddenly I fell down , moreover my shoe got stuck in the mud therefore I was struggling quite a while to pull it out. Later in the day me , Maria and Sam(a new volunteer from America) had a little party, we were drinking , talking a lot and then went downtown afterwards. We had a blast painting the town red apparently not on the next day. The biggest hangover plus muscle aches. Oh yeah I should definitely be going to the gym.
me and 3 German speaking people, another one took this photograph :) |
Errmm... that akward moment when you don't know how to begin a message to someone you don't even know...
OdpowiedzUsuńI've read some of your posts so I just wondered, maybe you're the person I should ask questions cause I just don't know how to find out the exact answers to what I'm searching, sorry I picked you cuz you were like the third or fourth result of google's search "partir vivre en islande" (yeah I'm french ... don't throw rocks at me it hurts enough just like that being french) here's the deal. I want to go away from here, from France. I've been reading so much stuff about iceland and about all the things that happened two years ago. About them rewriting the bills of rights / constitution, about the people going down in the streets, about the revolution that no media no newspapers talked about... and so on...
I just want to know... how is it for real ? Is it all true ? Do you think that this country is really different from all the modern societies around here ?
I've been thinking about moving there... but damn so many things to consider before making a decision.
If you would like to help I'd be most grateful.
I don;t have anything against French people and I think its rather Poles at whom people throw rocks especially in Iceland. Iceland is a safe place to live ,but also makes you feel very lonely and secluded. It all depends on your preferences though.
OdpowiedzUsuńPoles ? Errmm... ? What does that means ? You mean... people from Poland ?? Why ? Do they hold something against Poland ?
OdpowiedzUsuńIf I moved to the capital Reykjavik you think I would still feel lonely/secluded ? Even though I'm quite the lone wolf sometimes I love to live in the city.
But what actually inspires me in this country is the fact that the people there seem to care more about real life than possessions and greed and money and all the stuff...
Well from the outside that's what it looks like.
Thanks for your answer.
I would say totally different thing , of course not everyone is like that here but lots of ppl are stuck up and care only about money... Sorry to disapoint you.
OdpowiedzUsuńPolish people are the biggest minority in Iceland , so there are lots of them living and working here not all of them are able to blend into the society thats why we are a bit disliked by Icelanders.
*sigh* That's disapointing yeah...
OdpowiedzUsuńOkay... Thank you for your time and... well I hope you find your place somewhere somewhat someday. We all deserve it.
I'm gonna keep searching for mine.
Bye !