sobota, 10 marca 2012


When you 're abroad it's slightly easier to make mistakes , do stupid things and regret them afterwards. How many times I've gone through this here and I'm almost 100 percent sure such things wouldnt have happened If had been still living in my country. We are always concerned what other people will think about our deeds and no matter how hard we try to admit we don't give a s*** how do they perceive us , we always end up thinking about it. BALONEY. Human kind. I always face that dilemma if I rather should say or put into action what I feel and think or just to leave it for myself. ANYWAY you will always regret either that you didn't do sth or that u actually did it. What's the point? Sometimes I just sit and ruminate about what does it mean to be a human ? Apparently (it also refers to me no no I;m not any better than you) we all have this dualistic nature. I also want to mention Kony 2012 campaign. Media the most powerful tool in the world. Tool that manipulates, infulences and tells you what should you think of , what is socially appropriate,what's not, what should you eat , what movies you have to watch. PROPAGANDA. Hidden propaganda not as visible as it was during the soviet era, but maybe much more dangerous because we'r not cognizant of it. Media can also work for the common good but one has to be aware of it and not only limited by media as the only source of information. I rest my case.

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