wtorek, 26 czerwca 2012

from scratch

I must admit I think and stress myself out way too much...and I dont have any idea what are the best means of dealing with it. My flight ticket back home has been booked for 12th of September. As I am a volunteer its was not me who was buying the flight ticket(I got it refunded). So one sunny day I had just received a msg with my plain tickets and detailed information about my layover in Copenhagen. Therefore it turned out I have only 2 hours to check in again in Copenhagen and and extra luggage only for the way to Denmark.  A bit ridiculous so I guess I will just stick to the version of packing 23 kg(what SAS allows me to). Anyway my organisation promised me that if my flight was delayed I would get a nice, cozy staying in Copenhagen guaranteed. I feel like I caught a cold...When Im im Poland finally, I will have to organise my life once again, everything from scratch, just as it happened almost one year ago while I was coming here to Iceland. Summing everything up I lead a life of a recluse.

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