Reykjavik today in the morning. I woke up, looked through the window and saw it's white all around. I didnt wait a minute quickly dressed myself up and went outside to take some pictures. I love you Iceland for making me experience everything even if not all of them are positive we can turn them so be so.
I have not been inspired enough to write anything since my last post appeared....Lots of stuff has been going on recently and I haven't digested it yet I think. My head feels a bit empty but I keep seying to myself 'el tiempo todo calma' and it's true so why are we spending out time grieving over things we cannot change . It's not possible to turn the clock of time back. We just need to go on...a little help of patience might be needed. It's the most important tool we have to craft...Life is just like a sculpture and it requires an extraordinary amount of patience. I think Iceland is a proper place to learn how to be forbearing. My life has turned a new leaf and I've just become aware of how many things I already learnt and how much I will learn more. I've been confronted with my drawbacks and imperfections but at the same time I discovered bright sides of my personality. I realised how much I love Reykjavik . I woke up early today I looked through the window and saw snow....It's nothing new we have lots of snow in Poland but apparently it made me happy and relieved. A new day has come. I need to pull myself together and do things I've been planing to do for a long time but well I havent accomplished any of them. So let me officially jot them down here. I want to : learn Icelandic, boost my English up, learn Swedish, start going to Karma Kaguy centre in Reykjavik(buddhism), be active, get to know as many people as possible, write a lot more to be able to come up with an exquisite novel in the near future.
At the beginning on my Icelandic journey I had been living alone and then after two months Dana joined me (thanks for being here). Soon more people are going to fill this house up. 3 guys each of them will bring a piece of their own country into this house. Sweden, England, Iceland, Moldova and Poland- so international I love it :)
I put all of the negative emotions that have been haunting me for the past days aside . Quoting Bob Marley ' Don't worry about the things cuz every little thing's gonna be alright."
I think Im boring with my rants a bit so Im posting some pictures today. Have fun looking at them.
my best mates here in Iceland dont we resemble sugabebes a bit?huh ;) yes Sugababes are back in town going to party today just as at the time I arrived. Love u gals.