środa, 22 sierpnia 2012

I think I'm depressed

The are several things we shouldnt share with the entire population... But what can I say I'm merely sure I have been feeling depressed of late.

Sept the 8th 2011 - Listen up I came to Iceland as an EVS volunteer with an idea of helping people out and trying to change the world, starting from myself to have my personality constantly enriched. My project included working with mentally disabled people as well as in the office doing some paper works. Everything seemed just excelent from the project's description. I was happy and glad  that after I had finished my studies I could do sth beneficial and explore the world. Iceland wasnt my dream destination whatsoever.... But every experience counts and I basically just love to travel, although I can't say I've been many places so far. Just few.  As soon as I arrived here it turned out that my voluntary job was far from the way it was put in words on the paper. My boss who really wanted to have a volunteer in the organisation, quit just after two weeks I had spent here. Apparently my co-workers didnt know what to do as I was the first long term volunteer that ever had happened to the organisation. They threw up their hands in. Amayzing people, very warm and understanding just for the record, but so occupied and engrossed in their tasks that they simply didnt have that much time for me. And I dont like to bother anyone with my problems, which is maybe wrong as everyone craves for some attention from time to time. As Im an EVS volunteer changing the project was out of question. I decided to stay, as I didnt want to leave Iceland without the opportunity to experience it. With many ups and downs I just carried on. Regardless, I guess I've learnt a lot.   For the first couple of months I had been living alone in a huge house till my new housemate joined me. I dont know if we didnt get along at all , but sth didnt click for me. She was also struggling with depression I guess what made her quit her programme after less than 7 months , if memory doesnt serve me wrong. I have 20 days till my departure to Poland but improbably depression has seized me just before leaving this (despite of all) beautiful country. I'm feeling weak, having no apetite at all and no interest in partying or staying in my voluntary job, and other activities Ive been engaged in . I havent seen my relatives for almost one year . Also my grandmother died of late what pulled me a bit down. Now the only thing that keeps me alive is a picture Ive drawn in my head of me visiting my family and breathing in that fresh gust of air. I hope the state Im in at the moment will pass soon. I know I've been neglecting my duties lately but belive me if your hormones ( I suffer from a disease called Hashimoto and I havent been to the doctor for one year now) were unbalanced just as mine you would know what I'm ranting about.

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