About month and a half ago........or should I begin with 'Once upon a time' ? Hell no it's not a fairy tale although just as someone already said I've been living here in such a big old house upstairs like a princess waiting for prince charming to show up. But apparently he fell off a horse. Horse ,yes the horse had a miserable lot as well since I ate him once for lunch not knowing it was that poor creature though. Ok but let's not stray off topic. A month and a half ago... I stamp my feet hard againts the ground as in it would make me feel more stabile. Unfortunately I did not expect such a harsh wind, that with a blink of an eye is able to sweep you off the surface, to be an obstacle in getting what I want. Iceland. What I felt whilst being on a plane? Fear? Excitement? or maybe just nothing. Yeah I think that my mind must have gone completely and utterly blank - tabula rasa. Nevertheless I still remember my first morning in Reykjavik, my first tea sip and a glimpse at the Parlament. Everything from scratch, new life. Just a 22 kg luggage, laptop and reflex camera - things that are indispensable for life. Insecurity?Unbearably overwhelming. Shitty English no Icelandic- Eg skil ekki. Now I'm working on keeping the balance up. Will this severe and intense wind blow me off of the ground? hmm not really I'm becoming more and more viking though.
Really nice moni!
OdpowiedzUsuńAlmost poetry :)