Me and my cherie Sarah

Life - ain't easy especially when you r still at the beginning of the process called adjusting to living abroad. Btw Bjork's concert was impressing, amayzing, awesome, epic, great, wonderful etc etc. Well she is a creator, and she is a living legend at least for me. Every time I listen to "Joga" , I feel enthraled and brought into another reality to the world of pure ,sheer and intangible emotions that are filling my blood with molecular energy. Sounds crazy.Doesn't it ? Not crazier than the priest I've met. Have u ever met a priest (ok he is not a catholic priest but still)who, dances incessantly for 3 hours without any breaks?Without being sloshed, mind you. I bet ..not! I'm down in the dupms today I'm not satisfied with how things are going on around me. I would like to feel more useful and needed at work, because when you are not doing anything that enriches you whatsoever, you lose all of your energy. Laziness is like a vampire who sucks all of the blood out of your body. That's how I'm feeling as if I were burning out a bit. Nevethless I'm not going to give up so easily now I'm not only a Pole who drink vodka straight fromn the bottle but also a viking who rock the dance floor.
Peaceful sunday
On Sunday me and my new flatmate Dana from Moldova, visited Fred (half icelandic, half american musican and painter). He showed us what he has been working on for his whole life not only drawings but also music. The music he composes resembles trance and ambient style. He was also impressed by my English. Nowithstanding that I heard it, I still feel like having a large hurdle in my head that prevents me from beliving in my skills. Anyway it was flattering to hear I'm having a really good accent when speaking English. My Sunnudag was crowned by listening to SUNNUJAZZ band in FAKTORY and after two weeks of fruitless requesting they finally played my favorite song FLY ME TO THE MOON. TAKK FYRIR GUYS :) CONCULSION- patience is an universal key, that opens every door.
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