I've been living in Iceland for about 3 months and a half now. On the one hand its quite much becuse I feel a bit detached from my life, family and friends in Poland. Although you try to keep in touch with all of the people that are close to your heart it's never the same. It makes you wanna realise that there is no such a thing as stability in your life. People come and go, things change and we don't even have a full control over events that are going to befell us. And on the other hand I don't consider Reykjavik as my home yet. I'm still going through the phrase of adjusting to the Icelandic lifestyle. I don't know the language which poses a problem. You cannot really blend in the society and integrate with it not knowing its basic form of expression. That's why I don't feel comfortable at times. I don't speak Icelandic but at the same time I get doubts about learning it since I'm going home next September will I ever use it again. Of course if I had learned the language I would be gratified with a possibily of staying here permanently. But do I really want to spend the rest of my life in Iceland?Maybe I should just stop thinking about the future and move my sluggish ass get it kicked in order to at least try to learn it eventually?ahh I'm so confused lately. If they had payed me for over-thinking , I would already become a millionaire. Unfortunately it doesn't work that way*sighs*. Maybe I should have gone to England instead of Iceland? Too late ....No point . I feel so tired I think I might have gotten anaemia again, need to start taking iron pills. Today I've become cognizant of the fact I'm turning 25 in half a year. Geez....25 it's quite a number . Isnt it? Time maybe heals all wounds but it definitely flies too fast. I'm too slow to keep up with it. I'm such a thinker ....Sometimes I look at the posts I've been writing since I started running this blog and I don't know if I shall either cry or chortle. I'm so funny. Never mind. Tomorrow I'm working with the red cross but they apparently assigned me to two standings so I'm not sure where to go exactly. I'm spending xmas'eve with an Icelandic family they are so nice especially Ester. Very open and understanding. I still feel a bit klutzy not being able to speak Icelandic.I decided to come here so I should work a bit harder and I will it's my new year's promise as I mentioned before in one of my previous posts. I like Iceland though but I need some time to open up more. I got a card with xmas wishes from my co-workers today it was so nice. AA and I ate Skata today (putrid fish) omg it was so disgusting it reeked so badly..yuck yuck yuck. I need to travel more here in Iceland. Because so far I've only managed to see the Golden Circle and Stykkisholmur. I havent even explored Reykjavik I feel like being stuck downtown. It's hard though the weather doesn't encourage you to go outside and I neither have a driving license nor a car. I'm thinking about making it here though. Ok I want to wish all of the people that are reading my blog Merry Christmas so far because probably I will write something again just before New Year's eve. That's why I'm skipping 'and a happy new year part'.
Gleðileg jól og farsælt nýtt
Są pewne rzeczy, o których nie chcę pisać po angielsku. Chociaż pewnie google translator i tak zdradzi o czym piszę a właściwie to zbyt personalne żeby o tym pisać. Hmm nie wiem sama. Ale chyba odkryłam na czym polega miłość. If you love sb set them free i chociaż to trudne, to chyba w tym tkwi sekret prawdziwego, szczerego uczucia wolnego od jakiejkolwiek zazdrości. W tym momencie swojego życia znalazłam się w takim 'związku-relacji', który pozwolił mi na implementację tej filozofii(buddyjskiej tak na marginesie). Wesołych Świąt.

Although I'm not always like a dog with two tails, I think I love Reykjavik. Merry Christmas folks lots of gifts and happy time.

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