środa, 21 grudnia 2011
Ok Today Im a little bit lost.
I love Reykjavik but sometimes this city makes me feel lost as if I were wandering aimlessly through the maze. My good friend told me once this city makes you not knowing what you really want in life. This is true somehow. Icelandic winter is taking all of my energy out of me..Coping with a lack of motivation . I don't know if its because I'm a gemini or ...whatsover. I just cannot fully dedicate myself ...neither to one thing nor to one person. I need variety in my life. Plus cultural differences in Iceland everyone is focused on themselves, they are very independent and things are either black or white never in the middle. Some Icelanders are ambiguous they never say what they really think, they are always politically correct.Impeccably right. But political world is full of hypocrisy though. I decided from now on I'm going to do everything 'little by little', so my new's years goal is to learn Icelandic. Just one as I dont want to set lots of them because there is a risk I won't be able to fulfil any ...

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